These provide a need to move around targets and slow running speed. Kids often play tag in a yard or park where there are trees or other stationary structures. The whole body is engaged in this action. Then the opposing muscles and core need to activate to maintain posture. The muscles that are actively engaged need to stop abruptly, adding heavy work input through those muscles and joints. Stopping and Starting- When we run and then stop abruptly or stop and turn, there are so many motor components occurring at one time. We talked here about the benefits of treadmills and wellbeing, but for shorter bursts of running, the mindfulness benefits definitely exist! This is also a great way to “reset” after being indoors for a while, on a long car ride, in the classroom all day, or on screen devices for a long period of time. As opposed to longer distance running, kids can be successful in running in short bursts. The short intervals involved in tag games build muscle strength, and allow for running at various speeds. When kids run and stop in short bursts, they are gaining heavy work input through their legs and core. Running- running in short bursts offers cardio input that gets the blood pumping. Let’s break down games of tags for their therapeutic benefits: When kids are running, stopping, turning course, running around obstacles, there are many developmental benefits. The options are limitless! Here are more summer camp ideas that tag can fit well into with therapeutic and team-building benefits. Best of all- you can modify the tag game to meet any theme or topic!

Playing tag at summer camp offers a break between activities, adds heavy work, and can get kids moving and building skills.Use the tag games in a group therapy setting, in PE planning, or in summer camp activities. Tag is a fun way to support therapy goals with a small group.Tag games are also great running games for physical education.What better way to spend some time together as a family than playing a game of tag that offers heavy work, sensory input, in the great outdoors? Tag also is a powerful way to play together as a family, adding a chance for connection and creating memories.

Running and playing tag supports gross motor coordination.